Friday, July 29, 2011

The camming job(s) continue, with the addition of a second site last August, so one started Jan 2010 and the other Aug 2010. In addition, I have been freelancing on skype with guys I somewhat trust. They pay me via paypal. The boundaries of this job are 1) no one who knows my name knows I do this 2) I never give information on where I live short of "Central Florida" 3) I never plan to meet anyone from the site in person. 4) I have learned my lesson about trusting people. At least fiance came to A, to meet S. Who took pictures and said he wanted to start a website. He turned out to be a flake, which reaffirms my decision never to meet anyone in person and also I am glad I did not get any further into this than I already. So no website...ever.

In this economy (they are now calling it "the Great Recession" on the radio) it is obviously difficult to find a job. I am working 4-5 gyms subbing classes and desk time. I am piecing together 10 different jobs and renting the studio to a friend. I don't want a full time job, I want to be free to fly around. I want to visit fiance, or I feel the whole thing will crumble.