So i'm unemployed. I have been unemployed for 6 months. How the fuck did I get to be dual kids, NO INCOME!!! First of all the house is built on family land, so foreclosure is to be avoided at all costs. To keep the house I had to get a roommate. So it could be worse, I could've had a stranger move in, with the potential to murder me and molest my two daughters... but no, my older sister moved in, with her son.
Pro: she's not going to murder me
Con: she could drive me crazy, so I need to be institutionalized
Pro: I have known her all my life
Con: I have known her all my life
Pro: she is helping with household chores and childcare
Con: she is creating more household chores and brought more childcare needs
So, in an attempt to avoid the asylum, I have decided to start an anonymous blog to vent all my frustrations. Let's start with her pets. She brought two cats and two dogs. All of which have annoying tendencies. One cat is almost 20 years old, gray, squashed looking half blind and fully deaf. She periodically yowls, not unlike a whiny two-year old with a double ear infection about to throw up. It makes me instinctively jump up, grab a bowl and try to catch barf. At all times of the day or night. The dogs are bringing in mud and chewed up all the pool toys etc on the patio, including, but not limited to balls, frisbees, kickboards and the kid's goggles. The carpets in the house are getting gross and I sweep up an entire cup of dog/cat/something hair from the floor every two days.
Besides the pets, my sister is a hoarder. I fully expect her to be on A&E someday, on that new show about compulsive hoarders. I will have been institutionalized so she will have taken over the house with newspapers, books, papers, DVDs, clothes, shoes, electric cables and broken knick knacks that "just need glued together." She puts everything in boxes in attempt to clean up, but then loses everything in boxes. She has lost her passport this way (no shit). She has saved years worth of bills, filed in boxes. She is a compulsive recycler, and can't throw anything away that could possibly be recycled. She brought a whole bucket of dead batteries over from her old house. I mean, can you just leave the dead batteries in your old garage for the ex-husband to get rid off please?
I also am sharing the master bathroom and one of the two walk-in closets. This is only a problem on weekdays when my sister has to get up and traipse through my room to shower at 6am. With NPR on. Turned up even louder while she blow dries her hair. NPR is great, dont get me wrong. If I had gone to bed at 10, this would be fine, but my long-distance fiance does not get off work until 11, at which point he would like to come home and talk for an hour or two. Including phone sex, complete with web cam performance. If I don't get some more sleep I will just get to the insane asylum ironic. Also my only job right now is teaching at the gym, and I could never teach enough classes to make a living, even if I did get a full night's sleep.
In further posts we shall examine the other issues at stake here:
My 12 year old rebellious smart-mouth nephew with no bedtime and no rules
My divorce because of a long-distance affair, which has turned into a long-distance engagement to a sex addict
My employment options, few and far between with unemployment insurance about to run out I am looking into webcam sex site employment
My other tenant(s) in my studio apartment, a bi-polar friend and her obsessive/compulsive son
All the shit in my house that breaks and I don't have the money to fix: the pool, the refrigerator,
Other shit that is bothering me. God my patience is running out.
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